Today, I had planned to blog about shin splints and blisters and oddly-fitting shoes and all of the other joys that come with a ballet class and 5k training.
Then I checked my Facebook. My Facebook page had a sweet little message on it from my Clearwater sister, Kim, on it.
It went something like this...
"Hey beautiful friend! Just making sure you knew I miss you. I was thinking about how we got to see each other this time last year at Preview Weekend. One year = too long.
P.S. I love to read your blog. I get to enjoy your talented writing and keep up with your life at the same time :)"
Needless to say, this made my day.
So I wanted to give a little shout-out to my CBSP roomies: Kim, Vicky, and Marla, the ladies of Room 20, where the door is always open :)
Vicky, me, Marla, and Kim on Family Photo Day

Me and Vicky at 80s Prom!

Me and Kim at EKU's Semi-Formal, 2009.
Best Spring Break ever.

Marla and me at the Tampa Bay Rays baseball game.
I am so thankful for these girls. It would have been a really lonely summer without them.
Every time I clean, I still think of Kim and how Saturday (cleaning day) was her favorite day of the week. I love how she eagerly searched for Christ in every aspect of her life. It was such a comfort to be hanging out by the pool during the evenings and look up and see her perched in the chair outside our door reading her Bible and talking to Jesus.
Marla's laugh was so contagious. She was the one that I talked to the most before packing up the car and heading down to Florida and when I realized that she was going to be my roomie for the summer it was so comforting--I knew I would have a friend!
Vicky and I talked every night about midnight. We were usually the last to go to bed in our room and we would sit in the living room and talk and talk and talk. About everything. I think I had the most honest relationship with her out of every person that summer.
I love you girls. So much.