I have a riddle for you.
What are shiny, and sparkle, and twinkle, and make my heart go pitter-patter?

If you guessed my Eden's eyes, you were sooooo right!

But that's not the answer to my riddle. I'll give you another hint:

What once was lost, is now found?
The answer is...

I posted about the loss of my beautiful earrings right after Christmas.
I searched high and low for these jokers. Anywhere I could think. Downstairs, upstairs, my bedroom, my brother's bedroom, my dad's office, my sister's bedroom. Every drawer in the bathroom. Every car my family owns. My parents' bedroom. The living room. I went to both grandparents' houses and poked around.
It was awful. I wanted to cry so badly.
I didn't want to tell my grandmother because she found them for me at the jewelry show and they were a little on the pricey side. I was also afraid to truly speak the idea out into the universe. Granny probably knew because my cousin reads my blog, but still...it's different to have Hannah tattle on me than to actually tell Granny myself.
However, I finally broke down. I admitted defeat.
I first called Nina because she's as eccentric as I am and would understand. I asked her to look around for me and to please let me know if she found them.
I then did the unthinkable. I called Granny. I said about 50 Hail Mary's before I did, but I dialed the number and prayed that she had found them.
No such luck.
But she promised that she wouldn't leave me out of the will because of it.
I hung up the phone with Granny and went and sat in the family room, looking very sad.
My dad noticed and asked what was wrong.
I explained to him the horrible thing that had happened to me.
"You mean those big circle ones that look like Elton John should be wearing?"
Yes, Daddy. Those. And your analogies frighten me sometimes, just fyi.
"Oh. You left those downstairs after Christmas and I was afraid you were going to lose them. They're in my bowl. Been waiting for you to ask your mother where they were."
To say that I ran to my parents' bedroom would be an understatement.
But there they were.

Sitting in the little dish that my dad has on his dresser where he throws his loose change at the end of the day.
That man never ceases to amaze me.
i found the earrings i got for jenn and morgan too... oh well, i'll just give them to them for their birthday! :) (which coincidentally happens to be the same day!)