My Clearwater Family.
Two and half years ago, I packed up The Reba (before she was named The Reba) and headed down to Atlanta, Georgia as a pit stop on the way to Clearwater, Florida. Kerianne joined me for the trip and we also made a stop in Charlotte to pick up Alex.
I remember that we showed up at Mattie's house (when he was just Matt) and thought that we were the first car there, and so we drove around the block for about ten minutes. I remember walking into Matt's front door and seeing this living room full of boys staring at us. Thankfully, Marla and Jenna were all ready there so we weren't the only girls. Kim and Julia soon showed up, followed by Kimi.
All of us (save T. Hays and Ryan) that slept over at Matt's house before we ventured to Florida.
When we finally pulled up to the North Sunrise Hotel & Resort, I wondered what I had gotten myself into. It wasn't until about half an hour later when Ashey saw me at the bottom of the stairs and came up to me. "Are you Bekah?--Oh! I am so glad to meet you!" And then she wrapped me in a hug and I knew that I was not only going to be okay...I was about to have the time of my life.

Ashley and me walking down to get our group photo taken.
I love walking hand-in-hand with my sisters.

My sweet Ry-Ry.

A great example of CBSP eating: we love Mexican food!
This was one of our first meals out :)
The "Girl Pic" that we took before heading to The Ranch.
I treasure my sisters' laughs more than anything else in this world.
My best friend, my sister, my other half, Hannah Stewart Huffman.
I love her so much.
My Ra Baby.
It was the best weekend ever.
My beautiful sister, Sarah.
With the best people ever.
My sister, Rachel.

Sarah, Ashley, and I cramped in the back seat of Kim's sweet little yellow car on the way to Rita's.
I tell my girls all of the time taht if they had known me before I went to Clearwater, they would have met a completely different girl than the one that loves them now. Clearwater taught me how to love. They taught me how to fully lean on Christ. They taught me about the necessity of community and prayer. They taught me how to have a daily walk with Christ, about how to have a relationship instead of following a religion. They taught me the necessity of community and prayer. They taught me how to be a sister.
I pray for all of you daily.

No, no photoshop was required for this picture. This is just how this picture of me and Rachael showed up on Mattie's camera.
I love you with every piece of my heart.

Our Fourth of July celebration down near the Pier.
Hannah, Ashley, Jordan, me, and Ryan.
I am always looking forward to the moment when we're all together again.

Our group photo at Celebration Station for our Tacky Golf Event.
You forgot, "and then I met my amazing discipler and she changed my life." Kidding, kidding. I love that you're a blogger. It's awesome to read about how the Lord has grown you since I met you that summer in Clearwater and to read about your passion for Him and for His people.