Wednesday, November 24, 2010

identify yourself...

Good morning y'all.

I'm currently sitting in "Mama's Chair" in my living room in Wendell. It's kind of magical.

First off, I wanted to clear a few things up...

I realize I have friends. I have lots of friends, and I am incredibly thankful for all of them. My Confession #07 was simply to say that I do not have that one person to do everything with. I have about thousand people that I do have to pick from.
Eventually I will be able to find time to make pretty giving thanks blogs and one of them will be dedicated to the group of best friends that I have. But to all of you that I do call when times are great or when times are rough, when I need food or a date to the movies, when I need to go shopping or want to go shopping, or if my car is too small for my shopping to fit in and I need rescueing, thanks for being great friends and taking my call.

Also, if Confession #05b offended you, I'm sorry.
Yes, the version my father taught me growing up said "Come over the hill, Caroline". And then I turned fourteen and started paying attention at the ball games I went to, and enjoyed what the college kids were screaming. Now that I'm a college kid, I scream along with them.

If Confession #05 offended you, I'm sorry.
The example that I gave about the eight year old daughter is only one of plenty of times that people over 35 have made a comment on a status or wall post or something else. Whether or not I posted it...if it was on my profile, it was my responsibility. I understand their reasoning, but at the same time, there's more important things in life to worry about.
If adults are going to be on Facebook to connect with old high school friends, I think that is precious. But if some adult is going to hop onto my profile and judge me because a friend of mine has put a four letter word on a comment, that is now crossing the line. If I am friends with you on Facebook, if nothing else, you at least know my family. You know what we stand for, you know how we operate.
I have worked hard at college. I have a plethora of friends, have led four girls to Christ, have had coffee and spiritual conversations with over 100 girls on campus through Crusade. I have traveled across the world to love people that most people are afraid of. And if a curse word is going to negate all of that in your brain, then apparently my work has been for nothing.
Now, don't take that resume to be me bragging. I'm just stating facts. My work literally is nothing. It is less than a drop in the bucket. And I realize that. But there's much worse going on in the world. Let's get some perspective, please.

I am not angry. I am a bit frustrated, but more so than anything else, I'm just putting ideas into the world.

Lastly, I would like to make a friendly request for my beautiful readers to identify yourself.
Someone left a comment on my last blog but didn't tell me who you were. And I have so enjoyed reading Caroline in Texas!
And in the last 24 hours alone, I have only heard from about 15 people, but my viewer count was well over 60. Who are you, people??? I want to know! It's always so interesting to hear from you guys and learn about new people poking around :)

Love you all. Happy Thanksgiving!
::gobble gobble::


  1. I'm a reader!!! I always people would identify themselves to me, too!

  2. oh heeeey ;) i am, too. and i'm with LV and you on this one - if only people would 'fess up, it would make the blog world that much MORE fun!

  3. im a reader :) and totally agree with everything you have said in so many ways... YOU GO GIRL!
