I personally, LOVE this idea. Since it's November 3rd, I'll need to back track a few days...but here goes nothing.
November 1st
Today, I am thankful for my car. I know this is an incredibly materialistic thing to be thankful for, but it makes my life so. much. easier. I remember being without a car in Beirut and although we lived in an incredibly convenient area so I could just walk anywhere, it also cost a lot of money to do anything besides walk a few block to a nearby destination. My sister is without a car but between her boyfriend and me she gets around just fine. But still. It would be easier for her to have a car.
November 2nd
On the second day of the month of thanks, I am incredibly thankful for my baby girls. These girls made/make all of my dreams come true. Seriously.
I decided to use this day to give thanks for them because we did outreach last night. Now, more so than ever before, I am beginning to watch them do small things, and remember back to our first days together. I remember watching my Kaitlyn knock on a door for the first time to do an outreach: the minute that door opened, all of her confidence fled and her greeting came out something like...
Seriously. I was trying so hard to not laugh. She was so confident and she "was going to be first to knock on a door!" But then reality set in. But I don't think that I have ever been more proud of anyone in my life. She marched up to the next door and do the same thing, but better.
"hi. mynameiskaitlynandi'mwith a bible studyhereoncampusandiwaswondering if i could take out your trash."
Last night, my girls separated themselves into three groups and knocked on every suite door in Sullivan Hall. They took out many loads of trash and talked to countless people, and never once complained.
I know that I've gotten grief from people in the past regarding my girls, but let them talk all they want. I don't care. They don't see the things that I see. They don't know the things that I know. They don't know how many answered prayers I've watched unfold in the lives of these girls. If I have done nothing else right in my life, I have loved them. And for some reason, they have loved me. And that is all that matters.

This was my first ever group picture with my girls.
It makes me giggle because to this day it causes an uproaring between us about appropriate Fall Retreat attire.
Me and my loves at their first Crusade Christmas Party.

Our first Christmas celebration together.
Also our first group picture in Raleigh.

Our end of the semester party at the end of their freshman year.
Oh the things I would love to tell these girls...
November 3rdToday, the very day that I am writing this, I am thankful for laughter.
I have always loved to laugh. Always. I have never not beeen a gigglebox. My nickname with the girls in my major is "Gigglebox."
I played two review games with my Honors kids today: Fishbowl and Jeopardy. Throughout both of them, my kids and I laughed and learned. I had kids jumping up and down screaming Shakespeare facts and quotes at the top of their lungs. I knew when I saw that happening that I could die happy.
Laughter makes the world go 'round.
Laughter is something that I witnessed very little of this summer, outside of our apartment. I think that was one of the things that hurt me the most. For being such a beautiful city, it was bleak. Maybe that's why God sent me...for that side of the world to finally hear some laughter.
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