Let's play two truths and a lie, shall we? I am such a fan of playing games.
#1: I didn't sleep last night.
#2: Carolina City Girl is throwing a giveaway on her blog.
#3: I am not skipping class, sitting in the library, pretending to do work, while in reality I am updating my blog.
Can you guess? Do you know which one it is? Which one is the lie???
If you said #1 is the lie, you're wrong. I didn't sleep last night. Life has been busy and dramatic lately, so I spent last night doing the dishes, doing laundry, reading, watching The Bachelor, drinking Diet Coke, and prepping my girls' meal for Bible Study tonight. No sleep for this girl.
If you thought #2 is the lie, sorry friend, wrong again. Sweet Christin is doing an awesome giveaway on her blog, and I want in on it :)
If you said that #3 is the lie, good job! I am currently sitting on the breezeway on the second floor of the library, skipping class, staring at a really long to-do list, but alas, updating the blog.
Now, if #1 or #3 bother you, don't worry. It's just life. No one gets out alive anyhow. And I have a good life. Don't believe me? Stop by my house about 6:15 tonight and see how many smiling faces there are sitting in my living room--I'm sure I'll be glowing.
In case all of that doesn't convince you that I don't take my life too seriously, allow me to leave you with a picture to prove it...

The happiest of Wednesdays to you all.
I knew the 3rd was a lie, gee I wonder how :)