Tuesday, May 3, 2011

15 Page Paper.

I have a 15 page paper due in about 48 hours.

I currently have my name typed out.

I've done ltos of research and my thesis is written...I just can't write the darn paper.

I sit down to do it and get distracted.

I distract myself on purpose and all I can think is "15 pages....15 pages......15 pages........"
(yes, i know i didn't just use those ellipses correctly. get over it)

It's bad.

Help me.


1 comment:

  1. you can do it...i wrote my senior paper for college in about 5-6 hours which was also 15 pages then had to do a presentation for an hour...YOU CAN DO THIS!!! for real, you are at the end of your college journey and maybe this paper signifies the end....its inevitable and its going to come whether you are ready or not, so rejoice my dear friend that you made it through college! throw back a venti white chocolate mocha and tell that brain of yours this is the encore of your college career and to make it count :) GOOD LUCK!!!
